Hi there security-geeks!
I have no idea how you found your way into my blog, but if you're already here, please let me introduce it to you.
When I first bought Sinkholed.org domain name, I was hoping to share all kind of stories about Malware Analysis and botnets' detection, investigation, and infiltration. I was hoping to give you a glimpse to some of the latest cyber security trends that I come across while wandering the cybercrime underground communities, and maybe some other interesting stuff that I encounter in my spare time.
A few years later I realized that I don't really have the time to dedicate to it. And together with the fact that most of my publications contained confidential customers data, I decided to convert this place into a garbage collector for all of my other stories that I ever wanted to share but didn't have the chance.
Who am I?
You can call me BeePi.
Without getting too much into details, I am working as a security and malware researcher in the InfoSec industry for a few years now. The rest of my time is usually wasted on my B.Sc. degree in Computer Science. I also love to travel around the world (for both business and pleasure), ride my motorcycle, diving and hack anything and everything that I come across
So why writing this blog?
Actually, there are so many reasons why NOT to, but I had two reasons in mind when I decided to finally do it:
1) I always wanted my own domain-name :)
2) I see this blog as a great opportunity to share things that are out of my job's scope. It will also let me write everything from my own personal point of view without anyone's modifying it for any reason.
Although I am not going to update this blog on regular basis, I really hope you'll find it interesting enough to keep on coming back from time to time or even subscribe it to your RSS feed.
Cya soon!
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